The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council's (NSWALC) elected arm consists of nine Councillors democratically-elected by registered voting members of Local Aboriginal Land Councils (LALCs).
They are elected to serve a four-year term.
The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council's (NSWALC) elected arm consists of nine Councillors democratically-elected by registered voting members of Local Aboriginal Land Councils (LALCs).
They are elected to serve a four-year term.
The positions of Councillor are established under the NSW Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 with salaries determined by the Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Tribunal for Public Office Holders.
The Council itself elects its Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson at the first meeting of Council following the election of Councillors. Both hold Office for a term of two years and are eligible for re-election.
The role of a Councillor is, as a member of the governing body of the NSWALC:
In addition, the role of a Councillor is: