Community Development Fund sharing Land Rights wealth base

28 April, 2016

Community Development Fund sharing Land Rights wealth base

Twelve Local Aboriginal Land Councils are getting on with the job of building community facilities through the NSW Aboriginal Land Council’s (NSWALC) Community Development Fund.

Amaroo, Anaiwan, Baradine, Bega, Biraban, Broken Hill, Dareton, Orange, Trangie, Wagonga, Weilwan and Wellington LALCs were selected as inaugural recipients of the Fund which provides funding of up to $50,000 to acquire and manage land.

Projects include restoration works, infrastructure upgrades and land management projects.

NSWALC Chair Roy Ah-See says the Fund aims to ensure all LALCs share in the wealth of the land rights network.

“Some of our LALCs hold more valuable land holdings and others have less valuable land and development opportunities so the Community Development Fund ensures eligible LALCs can share in the wealth of those that enjoy a strong economic base.”

The fund is generated by a levy on LALC land dealings with matching contributions by NSWALC.

It was introduced following an amendment to the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983.

Applications for the next funding round are being assessed.