2 February, 2010
Deadline Looming for Educational Scholarships
2 February 2010
Aboriginal students and their families have just four weeks left to lodge applications for financial assistance under the NSW Aboriginal Land Council's (NSWALC) educational scholarships, Northern Councillor for the peak NSW body, Tom Briggs said today.
Students of all ages are eligible to apply for assistance from the Education Endowment Fund. The scholarships will provide financial assistance to help cover the cost of uniforms, text books, educational excursions (except sport excursions), tutorial assistance, laptops and software, internet access and fees for Boarding school, TAFE, primary and high school.
Funding for each category is capped.
In addition to this, Freddy Fricke Scholarships offer individual funding of up to $10,000 for students undertaking study at University or a TAFE College.
Applications for both educational scholarships close on Friday, February 26.
Councillor Briggs said the scholarships can really make a difference in the lives of Aboriginal people striving for a better education.
"Last year eight individuals from the Northern Region were successful in obtaining a scholarship which enabled them to further their education," Councillor Briggs said.
"As an elected representative of my people I am very proud of this educational revolution initiative. Education is the key to mobilizing and inspiring our young people to take charge of their lives, and to reach their full potential.
"In fact, when young people have the support and self-belief gained through access to education, they can overcome almost any challenge in life."
Councillor Briggs said NSWALC is determined to ensure that Aboriginal students have greater opportunities to equip themselves with the tools needed to succeed in the workforce of today and tomorrow.
"Given the current economic climate and the changing face of the workforce, I believe it is important that our people avail themselves of the financial assistance being offered by NSWALC.
Councillor Briggs said the detailed criteria and application forms are available from NSWALC's website at www.alc.org.au. Follow the links on the home page to the Education Endowment Fund.
Further information can also be obtained from Marlene McFarlane at the Charities Aid Foundation of NSW on (02) 9929 9633.
"My message is clear - make sure you apply and apply immediately," Councillor Briggs said.
"These scholarships are different from Government-sponsored scholarship systems. They recognize the difficulties that many Aboriginal families are facing all over New South Wales in keeping their children at school or in tertiary or further educational institutions.
"We are investing in the future of our people," Councillor Briggs said.
Media contact: Peter Windsor 0400 554 603
Roy Tatten 0419 777 492