12 November, 2021
12 November 2021
Today the Orange Local Aboriginal Land Council (LALC) and Minister for Water, Property and Housing, Melinda Pavey, announced an historic Aboriginal Land Agreement over land and land claims in Orange, NSW.
The agreement negotiated between the NSW Government, Orange LALC, Orange City Council and the NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) will see 86 hectares of land returned to the Aboriginal community providing both cultural and economic benefits.
NSWALC is proud to have supported Orange LALC in this important achievement for the local Orange community.
The NSWALC Chairperson Anne Dennis said the Aboriginal Land Agreements have the potential to see multiple claims resolved and in a collaborative way.
“This Aboriginal Land Agreement shows what can be achieved when the Government works in partnership to deliver economic, social and cultural outcomes for our communities. We hope there are many more such agreements to be announced”.
Orange LALC CEO, Annette Steele said this is another significant step forward for the self-determination of the Orange Aboriginal community.
“This land will create business opportunities to increase Aboriginal employment and allow Aboriginal people to participate equally and equitably in the growth of Orange, which will build greater inclusiveness for the whole community”.
“It will also allow us to pursue other priorities, like an Aboriginal regional tourism plan, and a program for young girls modelled on the Ngurang-gu Yalbilinya program which is achieving great educational outcomes for young boys in Orange”.
Media Enquiries: Sarah Puckeridge 0409 323 670 or media@alc.org.au