17 September, 2009
Malabar Police Station Land Claim
Statement by NSWALC Chairperson, Bev Manton
17 September 2009
The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) lodged a land claim over the unused Malabar Police Station on 27 July 2009.
The land claim was lodged at the request of La Perouse Local Aboriginal Land Council and was made under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983.
The claim is over Lot 1 DP113091.
The lawful sale of the lot cannot go ahead until the land claim has been determined by the Minister for Lands.
This timeframe is determined by the Minister for Lands.
It is hoped that this matter is resolved in a cooperative and timely manner.
One of the principal functions of NSWALC is to make claims for unused or unoccupied Crown land in NSW, either on its own behalf or on behalf of Local Aboriginal Land Councils.
Land claims are the sole form of compensation available under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 to compensate Aboriginal people in NSW for the past dispossession of their lands.
The express purposes of the legislation is to provide land rights for Aboriginal persons in New South Wales and provide for the acquisition of land by, or for, Aboriginal Land Councils.
It would be irresponsible of NSWALC if it did not use the mechanisms under the Act to assist in the return of benefits to the Land Rights network and to the Aboriginal people of NSW.