1 August, 2019
1 August 2019
New Chair and Deputy Chair for NSW Aboriginal Land Council
The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) today unanimously elected North West Region Councillor, Anne Dennis as its Chairperson.
Cr Dennis had been acting in the role for the past month. She was elected to Council in 2011 and has been Deputy Chair since November 2015.
Northern Region Councillor, Charles Lynch was unanimously elected Deputy Chair.
Cr Dennis thanked her fellow Councillors for the faith they had placed in her.
“It’s both a huge honour and responsibility to be elected as only the second female Chairperson of Australia’s largest member based Aboriginal organisation,” she said.
Cr Dennis said it was an important time for NSWALC as the organisation prepares for Council elections at the end of November this year.
“One of my top priorities as Chairperson will be to encourage as many Aboriginal people as possible to vote in the November 30 elections,” she said.
“Voting in our Land Council elections is one of the most important ways we can exercise our self-determination as Aboriginal people.”
Cr Dennis is a Gamilaraay woman from Walgett, where she served as a Board member and CEO of her Local Aboriginal Land Council. A former teacher, she is a life member of the NSW Aboriginal Education Consultative Group.
Cr Lynch is a Gomeroi man born in Tamworth who has been involved in the Land Rights network for more than 25 years in various capacities. He was elected in 2015.
The Council congratulates the new Chair and Deputy Chair.