18 May, 2021
18 May 2021
Orange Local Aboriginal Land Council Handed Ownership of Former Police Station
The NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) is pleased to announce the handover of ownership of the former Orange Police Station, to the Orange Local Aboriginal Land Council (LALC) today.
The Byng Street site has been vacant since 2009 following the opening of Orange’s new police station and has fallen into disrepair in the years since.
Under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 (NSW), vacant Crown land may be claimed by Aboriginal Land Councils if it is not being lawfully used or occupied.
A land claim was lodged by the NSWALC on behalf of the Orange LALC in 2011.
The NSWALC Chairperson Anne Dennis says she’s pleased the claim has finally been granted.
“Land Rights and the land claims process is something generations of Aboriginal people have fought long and hard for, to help realise the economic, cultural and social aspirations of our communities.
The Aboriginal Land Rights Act was designed to help compensate for intergenerational dispossession and displacement, and I look forward to the continuing resolution of outstanding claims into the future.”
The NSWALC Councillor for the region Leeanne Hampton says the Orange LALC has firm plans on how the site will be rejuvenated and used.
“The Byng St site is right in the middle of town, and the Orange LALC already has plans underway to refurbish the building, so it becomes a positive asset for the Orange community and for future generations. The LALC will rehome some of its many programs and wraparound services to Byng St and transform the building into a productive hub building economic capacity and equality in Orange,” she said.
The image above features the Dyiramaalang Dancers, dancing in a new future for the site.