1 March, 2019
1 March 2019
2019-20 Round of NSWALC Statewide Grants - Applications open
The NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) is pleased to announce that applications are now being sought for the 2019-20 round of NSWALC Statewide Grants.
The NSWALC Statewide Grants program
The purpose of the NSWALC Statewide Grants program is to provide grants for organisations and events that have state wide Aboriginal participation and are of state wide significance for Aboriginal peoples in NSW.
The events chosen must support and promote Aboriginal culture and/or sporting achievement. Activities that do not meet these purposes will not be funded under the Statewide Grants component.
The NSWALC Statewide Grants Policy & Procedure outlines what grants can be used for, and on what basis grant applications will be assessed.
2019-20 Funding Round
The application period for the 2019-20 round of NSWALC Statewide Grants will be open from Friday 1 March 2019 and close on Tuesday 30 April 2019.
How to apply
Eligible applicants can access the application form on the NSWALC website.
Completed application forms and supporting documents should be submitted via e-mail to grants@alc.org.au no later than 5pm on Tuesday 30 April 2019.
More information
If you have any questions about the application process, please contact the NSWALC Program Implementation Unit on 02 9689 4444 or via email at grants@alc.org.au.