Funding Opportunities to Protect Country

5 June, 2018

Funding Opportunities to Protect Country

A new funding round from the Biodiversity Conservation Trust is great news for land holders wanting to protect and conserve biodiversity.

Some options include:

1. Fixed price conservation management payments.

2. Conservation Partners Program. Wildlife Refuge Agreement or an in-perpetuity Conservation Agreement to protect and manage biodiversity.

3. Conservation Partners Grants. These are available on an ongoing basis if you have an agreement to protect private land conservation values with activities including: fencing, weed control and pest animal control, veg management and habitat restoration.

Although these programs may provide funding and support opportunities, LALCS should be aware of potential risks; including in perpetuity agreements which may impact land uses, restrictions on land use, and management and opportunity costs.

Please consider the risks and opportunities of funding programs, seek appropriate legal and financial advice and be mindful of your land dealings requirements under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983.

How to apply

Read the relevant Biodiversity Conservation Trust program guidelines to check your eligibility to apply. Application forms and expressions of interest forms are on the Biodiversity Conservation Trust website at or via the contact details below.

Expressions of Interest forms must be submitted by Friday 29 June 2018.

More information

If you'd like more information or are interested in applying, you can email or call 1300 992 688.

If you have questions about:

  • Land dealings under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983, contact the NSWALC Land and Property Unit on 02 9689 4444.
  • NSWALC's Economic Development or Programs work, contact the NSWALC Program Implementation Team on 02 9689 4444 or email