Land Dealings Policy gazetted

31 May, 2016

Land Dealings Policy gazetted

31 May 2016

The NSWALC Policy on the Assessment and Approval of Local Aboriginal Land Council Land Dealings  (Land Dealings Policy), was developed in 2009-2010 to provide guidance to LALCs and persons dealing with LALCs about NSWALC's assessment and approval of land dealings under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 (ALRA) and the Aboriginal Land Rights Regulation 2014 (ALRR).

The Land Dealings Policy was gazetted and came in effect on 20 May, 2016. 

Clause 113(3) of the ALRR requires NSWALC to review all of its policies every five years.  NSWALC commenced the review of the Land Dealings Policy in 2015 and amended it to:

  • reflect changes in legislation
  • reflect changes in the corporate structure of NSWALC; and
  •  make it easier to follow and more "user friendly"

In September 2015 LALCs were consulted and were asked to provide feedback on the proposed amendments by 5 November, 2015. NSWALC considered and adopted many of the suggestions received.

In December 2015 the Council of NSWALC approved the amended Land Dealings Policy. It was sent to the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Leslie Williams, for approval in January 2016.  Minister Williams approved the amended Land Dealings Policy in March 2016.

LALCs can obtain a copy of the Land Dealings Policy from NSWALC's website by clicking here.

NSWALC has also updated the Land Dealings Fact Sheets. LALCs proposing to deal with their land are encouraged to read the Fact Sheets and contact NSWALC's Land and Property Unit (LPU) as early as possible in the Land Dealings process to ensure the Land Dealings comply with the ALRA and the ALRR.

If LALCs have any queries, please contact:

Paul Bertram, Manager LPU on 02 9689 4497 and
Jarrod Chapman, Commercial Analyst 02 9689 4416 and
Vanessa Chau, Commercial Analyst 9689 4424 and

Cal Davis
A/Chief Executive Officer