Nominations for a LALC Representative, NSWALC Economic Development Committee

17 April, 2013

Nominations for a LALC Representative

NSWALC Economic Development Committee

April 17th, 2013

NSWALC has established the Economic Development Committee (EDC) under section 118 of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983. The role of EDAC is to provide strategic advice and direction to the council about how it can identify, develop and support economic development opportunities for the land rights network through:

  • Identifying key private sector partnership;
  • Identifying appropriate government and private sources of funding to support the development of commercial and wealth creation opportunities;
  • Identifying and developing strategies for economic development;
  • Recommending policy frameworks that Council could advocate to Government;
  • Recommending improvements to processes and structures within NSWALC to support the development and maintenance of key stakeholder relationships and economic development opportunities;
  • Providing advice to Council at least two times per year on any of the matters outlined in clause 3.1 (a) to (g).

Membership of the Economic Development Committee is:

  • One NSWALC Councillor and one alternate (Councillors Briggs and Williams);
  • NSWALC's Chief Executive Officer (or Delegate);
  • Another staff member as appropriate (non-voting);
  • Four external and independent Members, one of whom shall be the Economic Development Committee Chairperson
  • One representative from a LALC

The Council is now seeking nominations from network members and staff who have:

  • Knowledge of the economic circumstances and challenges faced by Aboriginal communities in New South Wales;
  • Experience in establishing and managing community or business enterprises;
  • Experience in establishing and managing employment programs;
  • Ability to share that knowledge and experiences in a co-operative committee environment

If you are interested, please provide your CV and a short statement outlining your suitability to Cal Davis, Acting Deputy CEO by Thursday 2 May 2013.

An information package including the Committee Charter and Selection Criteria can be obtained from Sally Skyring, Manager Strategic Initiatives, (02 9689 4520 or