22 August, 2023
Following ongoing increases in sophisticated online scams targeting businesses as well as individuals, NSW Aboriginal Land Council would like to raise awareness of the importance of cyber security in our communities.
Keeping up with current threats, being cautious online, and blocking malicious or unwanted messages if they reach you, are good ways to protect yourself from online threats.
Here are some ways to protect yourself and your LALC.
This list does not cover all circumstances and we encourage a review of your Local Aboriginal Land Council’s cyber security practices, anti-virus software and internal records management systems.
Here are some safe online resources with more information and support.
Australian Cyber Security Centre, Australian Government
First Nations business resources including informational videos.
General security resources including guides for small businesses
Scamwatch, Australian Government
How to report scams, how scammers impersonate legitimate businesses and more.
The site provides extensive resources including “The Little Black Book of Scams”
Service NSW, NSW Government
Reporting scams or identity theft and what to do next.
Counterfraud, Australian Attorney-General’s Department
A list of phone numbers and organisations to contact if you’re scammed or defrauded.