Stop culture and heritage reforms being rushed through!

2 July, 2009

Stop culture and heritage reforms being rushed through!
Changes are being proposed to the way culture and heritage is protected in NSW.

The changes would amend the main culture and heritage law in NSW - the National Parks and Wildlife Act - and the main policy which outlines who has a say on the significance of Aboriginal culture and heritage - the Community Consultation Requirements.

The changes were announced in early May. The NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change have set a deadline of the 7th of July 2009 for the community to have a say on the proposed changes.

The Department of Environment and Climate Change has provided an extension to NSWALC for its submission. If you are unable to make the 7 July deadline please forward your comments about the changes to NSWALC by 20 July 2009, and we will ensure they are forwarded to the Department.

While the NSW Aboriginal Land Council welcomes changes which would better protect culture and heritage, the changes are complicated and the community must be a given a chance to review the changes in detail, and put forward their views.


You can have a say about how the culture and heritage reforms and changes to the consultation processes will affect you!

Make your submission by 7 July to and

- it can be as long or as short as you wish, but try to put your thoughts in your own words, and feel free to talk about how culture and heritage protection affects you. Submissions should include your name, address, contact phone numbers and email address.

To forward your comments to NSWALC please email

Check out to some handy talking points in our Cultural and Heritage Fact Sheets that cover what the proposed changes will mean.

They're available at: