The NSW Aboriginal Land Council Community Fund Consultations Close Soon

22 June, 2020

The NSW Aboriginal Land Council Community Fund Consultations Close Soon

The NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) is currently determining which LALCs are eligible to seek a NSWALC Community Fund (NCF) grant for the 2020/21 Financial Year.

NSWALC sent correspondence to all LALCs on Monday 18 May, to advise them of their proposed eligibility. This is your opportunity to provide NSWALC with more information for consideration in finalising your LALC’s eligibility.

The deadline for LALCs to provide information to NSWALC is the close of business Friday 26 June, 2020.

In 2019 the NSWALC Council approved a suite of procedural amendments to improve the program’s effectiveness and to assist LALCS with delivering projects for the benefit of their communities.

These include increasing the available funding cap to $150,000, and LALCs being able to submit an Expression of Interest all year round.

The NCF Policy determines eligibility. ‘Less advantaged’ LALCs with net land assets worth less than the network average are eligible to access a grant from the Fund.

The NCF Policy was recently approved by the Minister, and an updated Policy was provided to all LALCs with their eligibility letter.

One of the main Policy amendments now allows LALCs to seek grants for projects which demonstrate clear community development outcomes, in addition to land acquisition and land management.

NSWALC is also now able to work with LALCs on developing their projects.

NCF grants for 2020/21 will open in early July, so it is important you provide NSWALC with additional information if you disagree with your proposed eligibility status.

Please send all relevant information to by COB Friday 26 June, 2020.