6 August, 2021
6 August 2021
The Upcoming 2021 Census Helps Determine Services for Communities
Next week on Tuesday 10 August 2021, the Australian Bureau of Statistics will count every person and home in Australia, in its Census of Population and Housing.
The Census is conducted every five years, is compulsory, and is a valuable resource to accurately determining what programs and services our communities need.
When you fill out a Census form, the information is used to help make decisions about services like:
Having the right information means the right service delivery. For example, knowing the number of babies in your community can help plan funding and services for preschools or mums and bubs health programs.
That’s why it’s important our mob lists everyone staying in their home on Census night, such as Elders, babies and visitors. People don’t have to be living at the address to be included.
If anyone’s concerned, personal information is protected by law and isn’t shared with anyone, including government agencies such as police, Centrelink or housing offices. You can’t be identified by the information you share about yourself and your family on your Census form.
You can find out more at the link below and read specific stories about how Census information helps Aboriginal organisations learn more about the needs of their local communities, secure funding and target their service delivery.