Cr Diane Randall
Cr Dianne Randall

Cr Diane Randall

Cr Diane Randall (North Coast)

Cr Diane Randall is a Yaegl woman from Yamba who served on the Board of Birrigan Gargle LALC for nine years and was Chairperson for eight years.

She is a former school teacher with a Bachelor of Teaching Primary Education and Diploma in Aboriginal Education, as well as representing on the Boards of the Bulgarr Ngaru Medical Aboriginal Corporation, Yaegl Elders Aboriginal Corporation and Mudyala Aboriginal Corporation.

Cr Randall strongly believes in ensuring Community voices are heard, understood, respected and actioned on. Her focus is for the North Coast Region to function at top capacity for all communities.

Regional Office Contact

The North Coast Region includes the following Local Aboriginal Land Councils: Baryulgil, Birrigan Gargle, Bogal, Casino Boolangle, Grafton-Ngerrie, Gugin-Gudduba, Jali, Jana-Ngalee, Jubullum, Muli Muli, Ngulingah, Tweed-Byron, Yaegl.

PO Box 1125 Parramatta NSW 2150

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