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NSWALC says change the date, stop political potshots in lead-up to Survival Day

The NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) stands resolute in believing the date of Australia Day should change, and will continue to stand up for mob in the face of recent divisive comments made by Commonwealth politicians.

“We’re sick of the disrespectful cheap shots about the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags, and the Welcome to Country ceremonies.…

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NSWALC calls out racism; tells mob to stay safe in lead-up to Survival Day

The NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) denounces the divisive debate around celebrating Australia Day on January 26, as this day represents the invasion and dispossession of Aboriginal lands, and the beginning of colonisation.

“We know a growing number of Australians are also uncomfortable with celebrating Australia Day on January 26 and want a different day celebrated to reflect our inclusive society,’’ NSWALC CEO Yuseph Deen said.…

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January 26 Day of Mourning – An Historic Moment for Modern Australia

25 January 2021                     

The NSW Aboriginal Land Council would like to acknowledge with respect, the leaders of the historic 1938 Day of Mourning.

On January 26 in 1938, some of the most prominent Aboriginal leaders of the day held the inaugural Day of Mourning in the Australian Hall at the-then Cyprus Hellene Club in Sydney, attended by more than 100 people.…

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Cricket Australia Applauded for Australia Day Stance

 22 January 2021

Cricket Australia applauded for Australia Day stance

The nation’s largest member-based Aboriginal organisation has applauded Cricket Australia’s decision to remove references to Australia Day from its programing.

The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council, which has more than 20 thousand members across 120 local land councils, said that the efforts of the national summer game would help unify Australia.…