Who is NSWALC?
As the State's peak representative body in Aboriginal Affairs, the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) aims to protect the interests and further the aspirations of its members and the broader Aboriginal community. NSWALC is the largest member based Aboriginal organisation in NSW.
NSWALC is committed to ensuring a better future for Aboriginal people by working for the return of culturally significant and economically viable land, pursuing cultural, social and economic independence for its people and being politically proactive and voicing the position of Aboriginal people on issues that affect them.
What is the role of the Youth Advisory Committee?
NSWALC wants to provide young Aboriginal people with a chance to be heard and develop their leadership skills. Goal 5 of the NSWALC Strategic Plan is to ‘Secure Our Future’. This includes an objective to engage with our youth and membership. NSWALC is establishing a Youth Advisory Committee to meet this goal and objective.
The NSWALC Youth Advisory Committee will provide advice and recommendations to NSWALC on:
- Policy, programs and services which impact young Aboriginal people (with a focus on Aboriginal Land Rights in NSW);
- Engaging with youth groups across NSW;
- Current and emerging issues and concerns of importance to young Aboriginal people;
- Issues impacting young Aboriginal people across local and regional contexts;
- Opportunities and strategies to increase the participation of young Aboriginal people in the Land Rights Network; and
- Discussions and consultations to raise the awareness of young Aboriginal people regarding Land Rights in NSW.
Who are “Youth”?
Young people are defined as being between 18 to 25 years of age for the purpose of the NSWALC Youth Advisory Committee.