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In keeping with our current Strategic Plan, the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council has established a new subsidiary, Yilabara Solutions (NSWALC Employment and Training Ltd).

A company limited by guarantee with NSWALC as its sole member, Yilabara Solutions' mission is to increase the number of Aboriginal people achieving economic independence through improved access to training and jobs in growth industries.

Yilabara Solutions’ initial focus was delivering Commonwealth funded VTEC services in the Sydney and Illawarra regions of NSW. This has now expanded to include the delivery of two significant programs in regional NSW:

  • Barranggirra - a mentoring program for Aboriginal apprentices and trainees in Western NSW extending from Orange to Broken Hill and including all towns in between
  • More Jobs More Care – a pre-employment program designed to increase the disability workforce with Yilabara Solutions focussing on Aboriginal job seekers in the Hunter New England and Mid North Coast regions

Yilabara Solutions' programs are delivered by an all-Aboriginal team of mentors who support Aboriginal job seekers to successfully enter and stay in the workforce.  Mentors work closely with job seekers to overcome barriers to employment and provide a personalised service to build the skills and resilience necessary to achieve successful employment.

Our team works with service providers to support job seekers to build vocational and non-vocational capabilities.

It also works closely with employers of all sizes across diverse industries to broker suitable jobs and create culturally safe workplaces for Indigenous employees.

More information on Yilabara Solutions can be found by visiting its website.