To support the elected representatives at both NSWALC and Local Aboriginal Land Councils and run the organisation's extensive land council network, NSWALC has a small administrative arm headed by interim Chief Executive Officer, Ms Heidi Hardy.
The Chief Executive Officer has the delegated authority of the Council to assume responsibility for all aspects of the day-to-day operation of the Council's affairs.
NSWALC has 5 Zone Offices across NSW. They represent the LALCs in their zone, and provide a range of different services and resources through NSWALC.
Staff at Zone Offices work closely with many NSWALC units to provide a variety of general and specialist support, advice, and assistance to LALCs with:
- Compliance with statutory responsibilities for funding under the ALRA and maintenance of the Risk Assessment System (RAS) for monitoring of compliance
- NSWALC’s annual operational grants program and release of grants
- Operational matters, governance, financial and Community Land and Business Plans (CLBPs)
- Management of social housing and other CBSs
- Legal advice on land dealings and Native Title matters
- Training to build capacity
- Preservation and protection of Aboriginal culture and heritage
- Government and other stakeholder negotiations.
Zone staff play a key role in assisting LALCs with ongoing performance improvement and capacity building on the network.
Contact your local Zone office here:
To support the elected representatives at both NSWALC and Local Aboriginal Land Councils and run the organisation's extensive land council network, NSWALC has a small administrative arm headed by interim Chief Executive Officer, Ms Heidi Hardy.
The Chief Executive Officer has the delegated authority of the Council to assume responsibility for all aspects of the day-to-day operation of the Council's affairs.
NSWALC has 5 Zone Offices across NSW. They represent the LALCs in their zone, and provide a range of different services and resources through NSWALC.
Staff at Zone Offices work closely with many NSWALC units to provide a variety of general and specialist support, advice, and assistance to LALCs with:
- Compliance with statutory responsibilities for funding under the ALRA and maintenance of the Risk Assessment System (RAS) for monitoring of compliance
- NSWALC’s annual operational grants program and release of grants
- Operational matters, governance, financial and Community Land and Business Plans (CLBPs)
- Management of social housing and other CBSs
- Legal advice on land dealings and Native Title matters
- Training to build capacity
- Preservation and protection of Aboriginal culture and heritage
- Government and other stakeholder negotiations.
A NSWALC Statutory Investment Fund was established under the NSW Aboriginal Land Rights Act (1983).
For fifteen years - from 1 January 1984 to 31 December 1998 - the Act provided for guaranteed funding through the payment of an amount equivalent to 7.5 per cent of NSW Land Tax (on non-residential land) to NSWALC, as compensation for land lost by the Aboriginal people of NSW.
During this period, half of the funds were available for land acquisition and administration. The remainder was deposited into a statutory account to build a capital fund to provide ongoing funding in the future.
The network is not, as is widely believed, funded by the taxpayers of NSW.
The total funds allocated were $537 million. Of this amount $268.5m was deposited in the Statutory Account.
Since 1998, NSWALC and the land council network have been self-supporting.