NSWALC has committed to make available annually, two scholarships of $10,000 each, to assist students with funds to help complete their studies and is aimed at penultimate year students enrolled full-time at a tertiary institution.
In addition to this, the Scholarship provides an opportunity to undertake a six-week paid internship in a NSWALC Business Unit of the Scholarship recipient's discipline.
Fields of study may include law, finance, business, media & communications, human resources, land & environment, planning, policy or property management or, a discipline whereby the applicant can provide a direct link between their study and the current or future work of NSWALC.

How to apply
In 2000 Mr. Frederick (Freddy) Fricke generously bequeathed his home to the NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC). The Council decided to use the funds from the sale of Freddy's home to establish a Scholarship fund to assist in the education of Aboriginal peoples in NSW. The NSWALC Educational Scholarship (the Scholarship), formerly known as the Freddy Fricke Scholarship was launched in July 2002.
Since then, the NSW Aboriginal Land Council has awarded 55 scholarships to assist Aboriginal students in their studies.