Caring for country creating new opportunities for Glen Innes LALC

10 December, 2015

The Severn Rivers Gorge is the traditional country of the Nggorabul people and has been in the care of Glen Innes Local Aboriginal Land Council (LALC) since 1987.

It’s now classified as an Indigenous Protected Area that is showing great tourism potential.

Glen Innes LALC Chair Richard Potter said rangers and local community members are enjoying caring for country.

“They’re doing a lot of weed control, feral animal control and replanting of endangered species of a yellow box tree.”

Returning the land to its natural state is also encouraging the LALC to expand tourism opportunities.

“We’re slowly building up – nothing really huge yet but I think in the future it could be a really good place for tourists.”

“When you’re out here you lose yourself in it. It just puts everything at peace when you’re out in the bush. No matter what worry you got, when you’re out here it just seems to leave you for that time.”