NSWALC welcomes Baird government

28 April, 2014

NSWALC welcomes Baird government

March 27, 2014 

The state's peak Aboriginal advocacy body has welcomed Premier Mike Baird's new-look cabinet, sworn in last week.

Mr Baird was elected unopposed by cabinet following the resignation of Barry O'Farrell earlier this month. The Premier has retained Victor Dominello in the Aboriginal affairs portfolio.

Chair of the NSW Aboriginal Land Council Craig Cromelin said the board was looking forward to working with the Baird government in furthering opportunities for Aboriginal people throughout New South Wales.

This involved continuing to work in partnership with Aboriginal affairs minister Victor Dominello, Chairperson Cromelin said.

Chairperson Cromelin said the NSWALC's recent $16 million commitment to promote economic development across the state land rights network was supported by the minister.

Subject to the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983, the NSWALC will commit $16 million over the five-year timeframe to help deliver a platform of true of economic self-reliance to Aboriginal communities.

To this end, the NSWALC has delivered a draft Economic Development Policy to its membership with the aim of gaining feedback and positive engagement.

"This is ultimately about self-determination. We want our communities developing and driving their own approaches to wealth creation, not someone else's," he said.

"But it won't work unless there's a broader community approach, and that's perhaps where NSWALC's model differs from others. The success of this initiative relies heavily on communities making decisions for the community and not individuals.

"I look forward to working with Minister Dominello as he continues in his role and I also look forward to working with the newly sworn in Baird government to promote land rights."

Media Contact: Amy McQuire 0428 924 069