2015 Freddy Fricke Scholarships – applications close 6 February

23 January, 2015

2015 Freddy Fricke Scholarships - applications close 6 February

Applications for the 2015 Freddy Fricke Scholarship are open with nominations closing at 5pm, Friday 6 February 2015.

The Scholarship is named after Freddy Fricke, who in 2000 bequeathed his home to the NSW Aboriginal Land Council. The NSW Aboriginal Land Council decided to use the funds from the sale of Freddy's home to establish a scholarship fund to assist in the education of young Aboriginal people.

Scholarship grants are available for undertaking a degree or diploma at any University in NSW (which is approved by a Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) Community Fund trustee).

The application form and information brochure is available to download from the NSW Aboriginal Land Council website - www.alc.org.au.

 Completed applications and supporting documents should be submitted to:

By post:   

c/- CAF Australia

Locked Bag 962

North Sydney NSW 2059

Email: freddyfricke@cafaustralia.org.au

Phone: (02) 9929 9633.

By hand:

Freddy Fricke Scholarship Program 

CAF Australia

Suite 1 - Level 10, 56 Berry Street

North Sydney NSW 2060

Scholarship details

The maximum scholarship is $5,000 per annum. Scholarship grants are available for undertaking a degree or diploma at any University in NSW which is approved by the CAF Community Fund trustee. Scholarship funds contribute to the successful student's approved fees and course-related expenses. In some instances they can be offered to post graduate students.

The scope of the scholarships covers disciplines including Information Technology, Community Welfare/Services, Community Management, Health/Medicine, Tourism, Law, Science, Architecture, Engineering, Human Resources, Finance, Accounting, Banking and Commerce.

When approved, the funds are made as a grant to the University which is requested to allocate the grant towards the successful student's approved fees and course related expenses.

Evidence will be required that the applicant is undertaking a relevant course before the scholarship can be awarded.

For more information about the grant please contact CAF on 02 9929 9633 or freddyfricke@cafaustralia.org.au, or the NW Aboriginal Land Council Policy and Programs Unit on 9689 4444 or policy@alc.org.au.