Cashless Welfare Card in NSW concerns raised with Premier

26 July, 2017

Cashless Welfare Card in NSW concerns raised with Premier

26 July 2017

The NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) is aware of a campaign to have cashless welfare cards introduced to New South Wales.

NSWALC understands that meetings have been held between proponents of the cashless card policy, the NSW Premier and members of her Ministerial Cabinet.

NSWALC Chair Roy Ah-See has written to the Premier to express the peak body's concerns about the NSW Government's reported interest in expanding the program to this State.

NSWALC believes that self-management - not income management - is the answer to improving the lives of Aboriginal peoples in New South Wales.

Policy approaches to address issues that affect Aboriginal peoples in New South Wales must be developed with Aboriginal peoples and community-controlled organsiations.

A copy of NSWALC's letter to the Premier can be accessed by clicking on the link: 
Cashless Welfare Card in NSW concerns raised with Premier