Crown Lands Review update

22 September, 2015

22 September 2015

Crown Lands Review update

The NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) has issued an Information Sheet to update the network on developments in the Crown Lands Review process.

Last month, NSWALC received correspondence from the Minister for Primary Industries, Minister for Lands and Water Niall Blair that acknowledged the beneficial nature of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 (ALRA). In this correspondence the Minister noted that the Government did not have an agenda in the Crown Lands Review to erode the compensatory elements of the Act.

In other developments, work is continuing on four local government areas (Warringah, Tamworth, Tweed and Corowa) to test criteria for identifying "local land".

The NSW Government has stated that under these "Local Land Pilots", no land will be transferred or sold and that the pilots will not impact on the application of the ALRA or the Native Title Act 1993.

Legislation is expected to be drafted over the coming year and NSWALC is seeking further information about the timeframe and consultation process.

While the Crown Lands Review process develops, NSWALC will continue its advocacy and keep the network updated on any developments.

For more information, please refer to the NSWALC Fact Sheet at /media/99299/crown%20land%20review%20update%20information%20sheet.pdf

If you have any questions please contact the Policy and Programs Unit on 02 9689 4444 or email