Electoral Officials wanted to work at the NSW State Election

5 March, 2015

5 March 2015 

Electoral Officials wanted to work at the NSW State Election

The NSW Electoral Commission is seeking Aboriginal people to work on at polling places on State Election Day on 28 March.

Working at a polling place on election day is a great opportunity to earn money, pick up new skills and encourage Aboriginal people to enrol to vote in elections.

The Commission is particularly looking for Aboriginal people to work on polling booths in the Tamworth region and North Coast of NSW.

On polling day, Electoral Officials are responsible for crossing the names of voters off the electoral roll, handing out ballot papers, controlling the queue, guarding the ballot box, sorting and counting ballot papers, packing up the polling place after voting has closed and providing help to all voters.

To work at the election you need to be over 18 years of age and enrolled to vote in NSW.

To apply for work at the election, visit http://www.elections.nsw.gov.au/working_at_elections . An information pack is available at http://www.elections.nsw.gov.au/working_at_elections/information_kits

Working as an Electoral Official at the State Election opens further opportunities at future elections.

These include the NSWALC Election on 31 October, 2015 and the local government elections in 2016.