EOI sought for new Land Negotiation Program

12 July, 2017

EOI sought for new Land Negotiation Program

12 July 2017 

Local Aboriginal Land Councils (LALCs) are invited to lodge Expressions of Interest (EOI) to join the second round of the NSW Government's Land Negotiation Program.

The Land Negotiation Program EOI process was launched last week by the NSW Government, the NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) and Local Government NSW (LGNSW).

NSWALC Chair Roy Ah-See said the Land Negotiation Program provided an opportunity for LALCs, State and local government to work together in voluntary negotiations to consider land and land claims in a more strategic and efficient way.

"It represents a new approach to fast-track the processing of land claims and the delivery of land justice to Aboriginal peoples in New South Wales."

All LALCs and local government councils will receive a written invitation to lodge an Expression of Interest to join the program.

LALCs have five weeks to lodge Expressions of Interest with submissions closing 5pm, Friday, 18 August 2017.

Further information is available at http://www.crownland.nsw.gov.au/crown_lands/land-negotiation-program

LALCs with any questions about the Land Negotiation Program can contact the NSWALC Policy and Programs Unit on 02 9689 4444 or email policy@alc.org.au


Additional background from the Department of Industry - Lands and Forestry:

NSW Governnment's Land Negotiation Program and Expressions of Interest process to join the program

It is important that NSW Crown land is held by the most appropriate landholder so the people of NSW can gain positive social, economic, cultural and environmental benefits. It is also important to retain land of state significance for future generations. The program assesses the most appropriate ownership and management of Crown land.

Program benefits include:

  • local ownership of Crown land to advantage local communities
  • reduced red tape and the regulatory burden on local government
  • more efficient and streamlined land management
  • recognition of the importance of land to Aboriginal people and to support sustainable spiritual, cultural, environmental and economic benefits for Aboriginal people.

Voluntary negotiations will be held between the NSW Government, the NSW Aboriginal Land Council, Local Aboriginal Land Councils (LALCs), and local government councils to consider Crown land in a given area (e.g. local government areas or LALCs) and explore which party may be best placed to own that land in recognition of each party's interests in the land.

The program is proposed to expand in 2017/18 - 2019/2020 to additional areas - the first of which will be selected based on the Expressions of Interest process.

On Thursday, 6 July 2017 the Minister for Lands and Forestry formally launched the Expression of Interest process inviting LALCs and local government councils to participate in the voluntary program.

The launch event held at Parliament House during NAIDOC week was an opportunity to celebrate the history and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders while recognising their strong spiritual connection to land, including Crown land in NSW. Invitees included the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, the Minister for Local Government and representatives from Aboriginal Affairs NSW, the NSW Aboriginal Land Council and Local Government NSW.

All LALCs and local government councils in NSW will receive a written invite to lodge an Expression of Interest to join the program.

The Expressions of Interest process is open for six weeks commencing Friday, 7 July 2017 and closing at 5 pm Friday, 18 August 2017.

Contact the Department of Industry - Lands and Forestry: