3 August, 2023
June 3, 2023 marked an historic day for Land Rights, with the inaugural meeting of a new Local Aboriginal Land Council, the first in over a decade.
The Wangaaypuwan LALC was gazetted in February 2023, 12 years after its original application to constitute a new LALC.
The founding Members met at Mawonga Station in the Indigenous Protected area on Ngiyampaa Country.
They elected their founding Board, shared lunch together and discussed their aspirations for a new and positive future for their community.
The NSWALC Councillor for the Western Region Ross Hampton also attended the meeting and says he’s delighted that the Ngiyampaa will now have a say on their country.
“It’s been a long 12-year battle for the Ngiyampaa people and I’m proud that they’ve remained committed to exercising their rights to their land. With 2023 being the 40th anniversary of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act, their achievement is particularly significant, and I welcome them to the Land Rights family!”
We hope you enjoy our video and photos from the special day, below.
And here’s NSWALC’s Network Message announcing the exciting news!