In 2021 the NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) entered a two (2) year funding agreement with the Department of Planning Industry and Environment (DPIE) to deliver the NSWALC Cumberland Plain (NCP) Grant Program.
The NCP Grant Program is a $1 million non-contestable grant program, open to three eligible LALCs within the the Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan’s Area, being Deerubbin, Tharawal and Gandangara and aims to support these LALCs to:
- deliver cultural and conservation outcomes on their land or other areas important to them to assist with ongoing land management or future management for conservation
- provide economic opportunities for Aboriginal people by building capacity within the LALCs to deliver environmental services and to upskill in natural resource management cultural management activities.

Funding available to LALCs
$1 million is available for equal distribution among the three eligible LALCs for Eligible Activities. Eligible LALCs can also access 10% of their portion to assist them with the development of their Project Proposal.
How LALCs can apply
Eligible LALCs will be invited to submit a Project Proposal to conduct project/s consistent with the Eligible Activities and identifying how the project/s address the Grant Guidelines and meet the Grant Criteria.
Program Guidelines
Download the NSWALC Cumberland Plain Grant Program 2021-23 Guidelines and Assessment Criteria
Completed Project Proposals are to be received to the NSWALC, Program Implementation Unit by 30 November 2021.
If you have any questions regarding the NCP Grants Program, please contact the NSWALC Program Implementation Unit on (02) 9689 4444 or via email at