12 Central Coast students win Scholarships: NSWALC Chair

22 June, 2009


12 Central Coast students win Scholarships: NSWALC Chair

22 June 2009

The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council Chairperson and Central Coast Region Councillor, Bev Manton, said she was delighted that 12 Aboriginal students from her Region had won prestigious NSWALC educational scholarships.

"This is a wonderful outcome for Aboriginal people in my Region," Chairperson Manton said.

"It reinforces the fact that our people are increasingly valuing the benefits of a sound education".

"This is the very reason why NSWALC established, with its own funds, the $30 million Education Endowment Fund to supplement the already existing Freddy Fricke Scholarships which concentrate on addressing the lack of Aboriginal people working in the professions".

Chairperson Manton said recipients in her Region included two primary school students, young people studying for degrees at various Universities, such as New England University, the University of NSW, the University of Newcastle and the Southern Cross University.

"Others include a young person studying for a diploma at Sydney's Tranby Aboriginal College and Aboriginal students attending the Manning Valley Anglican College."

The 12 Central Coast Region scholarship winners were:

  • Four young people from the one family, Monak and Anique Morris, from Biripi,  both students at the Manning Valley Anglican College and primary school students Bronson and Brearn Morris
  • Chloe Koellner-Cowan, from Kempsey, a student at New England Girls' School,
  • Codie Spradbrow, from Bunyah,  who is undertaking a certificate level real estate course at TAFE
  • Margaret Kelly, from Unkya, who is studying for a Certificate 1V course at TAFE
  • Deborah Wright, from Kempsey, diploma course at Tranby Aboriginal College, Sydney and Robert Wright, degree course at the University of New England
  • Jimmy Ellis, Coffs Harbour,  degree course at Southern  Cross University
  • Carlie Smart and Ann Smart, of  Bowraville,  who are both studying at the University of New South Wales, and
  • Kane Simon, of Forster, degree course, University of Newcastle

Throughout New South Wales 128 Aboriginal students had won scholarships.

Other winners State-wide included:

  • A young Aboriginal man from the Newcastle suburb of Lambton to help finish the last year of his medical degree
  • A significant number of Aboriginal people to complete community service degrees and trade courses
  • Teachers, scientists and nurses.

Ms Manton said the need for scholarships for Aboriginal people would continue to grow.

"Both scholarship streams demonstrate to Aboriginal children the benefits of committing to school and going on to tertiary education.

"Today there are Aboriginal judges, magistrates, lawyers, politicians, accountants, doctors, educators and university graduates and post graduates in many disciplines.

"These scholarships are an investment in the future - an investment in future young leaders," Chairperson Manton said.

Further information:  Councillor Bev Manton:     0407  258 384