23 January, 2015
23 January 2015
Applications open for Freddy Fricke Scholarship
The NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) is investing in the future of young people through the Freddy Fricke Scholarship Program.
NSWALC Chair Craig Cromelin said that since 2002, 38 Aboriginal students had been awarded scholarships to support them in undertaking university degrees in New South Wales.
Mr Cromelin said the Scholarship is named after Freddy Fricke who in 2000 bequeathed his home to NSWALC.
"Freddy Fricke asked that the money be used to create better opportunities for the Aboriginal people of NSW and it was decided that would be best achieved by actively promoting and supporting Aboriginal education," he said.
Mr Cromelin said the Freddy Fricke Scholarship is an important investment in the future of young Aboriginal people.
"The Freddy Fricke Scholarship provides small but vital encouragement to young Aboriginal students, helping them reach their academic potential and launch their careers," Mr Cromelin said.
One of the most recent Freddy Fricke Scholarship recipients, Samuel Brazel, 21, an Anaiwan man from Kootingal, is currently studying a Bachelor of Agricultural Economics degree at the University of Sydney and interning at a major bank.
"This is an exciting time for me as both my capacity to learn and my marks have improved during my second year at university.
"These opportunities were created largely due to the support received through the Freddy Fricke Scholarship.
"I'm looking forward to a bright future after the achievements that the Freddy Fricke Scholarship has provided me with already."
The Scholarship is available for a range of subjects including finance and commerce, architecture, business management, community welfare-services, community management, engineering, health-medicine, human resources, information technology, law-legal studies, science and tourism.
Applications close at 5pm, Friday 6 February 2015.
Further information is available by visiting www.alc.org.au and by contacting CAF Australia on 02 9929 9633 and freddyfricke@cafaustralia.com.au or NSWALC on 02 9689 4444 or policy@alc.org.au.
Media contact: Andrew Williams 0429 585 291