1 July, 2022
1 July 2022
The NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) announces a new Sponsorship Program, open from today, Friday July 1st, 2022.
NSWALC Chairperson Danny Chapman says the new Program is designed to support eligible organisations’ events or activities in communities.
“The Councillors and I understand the importance of developing meaningful relationships within our communities and with our stakeholders.
This Program is an excellent way to support activities that reflect the NSWALC’s values of being culturally strong and serving our people, collaborating with integrity, accountability and respect,” he said.
The Sponsorship Program has been established under Section 106(7) of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 (NSW) (ALRA).
For a sponsorship to be considered, the aims and goals must be clearly set out in the application and will be reviewed against NSWALC’s objectives and Strategic Plan.
NSWALC Sponsorship is available all year round. Enquiries are welcome.
Please see below for information on eligibility.
General Guidelines for Eligibility
The NSWALC will not approve sponsorships which are considered to fall under the following categories:
Enquiries and Applications
NSWALC welcomes sponsorship enquiries all year round. We’re happy to discuss your event, program or activity. After consideration, NSWALC may invite you to apply. Final decisions on sponsorship applications rest with the Council of the NSWALC.
The NSWALC Sponsorship Policy & Procedures outlines how applications will be assessed.
Information is also available at www.alc.org.au/nsp.
Who to contact
Please contact the NSWALC Program Implementation Unit with any queries.
NSWALC – Program Implementation Unit
PO Box 1125
Parramatta NSW 2124
Phone: 02 9689 4444
Email: grants@alc.org.au