NSW Coalition of Aboriginal Peak Organisations Welcomes Historic Partnership Agreement on Closing the Gap

27 March, 2019

Wednesday 27 March 2019

The NSW Coalition of Aboriginal Peak Organisations Welcomes Historic Partnership Agreement on Closing the Gap

The NSW Coalition of Aboriginal Peak Organisations (NSW CAPO) welcomes the signing of an historic Partnership Agreement on Closing the Gap between the Commonwealth Government, State and Territory Governments and the National Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peak Bodies.

The Partnership Agreement signals a positive change in the relationship between governments and Aboriginal community controlled peak organisations in NSW, represented by NSW CAPO.

The National Coalition of Peaks is made up of around forty Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community controlled organisations that have come together to negotiate with governments and be signatories to the Partnership Agreement.

This Agreement means that for the first time Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, through their peak body representatives, will share decision making with governments on Closing the Gap.

“We believe that the commitment in the Partnership Agreement to co-design, implement and monitor programs in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled representatives and their members, is essential to closing the gap,” Co-Chair NSW CAPO Roy Ah-See, said.

NSW CAPO along with other National Peak Aboriginal Organisations have been calling for a greater role with governments on efforts to close the unacceptable gaps in life outcomes within the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.

The Partnership Agreement sets out how governments and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peaks bodies will work together toward a refreshed national agreement on Closing the Gap, including any new Closing the Gap targets and implementation and monitoring arrangements.  

The Partnership Agreement also marks the establishment of a new Joint Council on Closing the Gap to be co-chaired by a Minister and a representative of the Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peak Bodies.

“There is a lot to be done and we look forward to a constructive partnership with the Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments to improve the quality of life for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples” NSW CAPO Co-Chair Cindy Berwick said.

The Partnership Agreement can be accessed at www.alc.org.au