NSWALC welcomes commitments to improving Aboriginal Cultural Heritage laws

19 May, 2022

The NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) welcomes the Hon. Rev. Fred Nile’s commitment to pursuing new legislation to better protect Aboriginal Cultural Heritage (ACH). NSWALC, and the Aboriginal Land Rights Network have been advocating strongly for decades for new ACH laws. 

ACH Reforms are long overdue, and NSW remains the only State without updated laws.

NSWALC Chairperson, Danny Chapman congratulates the Hon. Rev. Nile on continuing to advocate for Aboriginal people and challenges others in the NSW Parliament to do the same.

“Culture and Heritage reform is crucial to Aboriginal people and should be valued by Parliamentarians and our fellow Australians.

The current laws do not do enough to protect our culture and heritage and does not provide any decision-making rights for Aboriginal people. We need to ensure our rich culture and heritage is celebrated & protected for future generations.

NSWALC looks forward to working with the Hon. Rev. Nile and all parties on the reforms to ensure the Bill is in line with the Aboriginal Land Rights network key principles for reform.” he said

NSWALC’s reform principles are in line with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples & have been developed following community engagements. NSWALCs reform principles outline that new laws must:

  1. Strengthen self-determination and empower Aboriginal people;
  2. Be led by Aboriginal people;
  3. Inclusive and respectful of cultural and native title rights;
  4. Build on existing structures of land rights and native title;
  5. Independent of government;
  6. Improve ACH protection, promotion & repair, including rights to say no (free, prior, informed consent) including approaches to protection, regulation, intangible ACH, knowledge, languages, cultural access & use, repatriation, water, cultural practices;
  7. Have no detrimental impacts to land rights, native title or ACH.

Media Enquiries: media@alc.org.au