NSWALC Welcomes New Head of Aboriginal Affairs

8 March, 2009


NSWALC Welcomes New Head of Aboriginal Affairs
Statement by Chairperson - Bev Manton
8 March 2010

The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council has welcomed the appointment of Mr James Christian as the Chief Executive of Aboriginal Affairs NSW.

Mr Christian's appointment will allow the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council, the State's peak representative organisation, to re-set its relationship with Aboriginal Affairs NSW.

An effective, close and constructive relationship between NSWALC and Aboriginal Affairs NSW is vital to delivering better socio-economic outcomes on behalf of the land rights network and the wider Aboriginal community.

Aboriginal Affairs NSW is charged with working with Aboriginal people, government agencies, and the private and community sectors to promote the interests of Aboriginal people in NSW and reduce the inequity they continue to experience as a result of colonisation.

Its vision, to work in partnership with Aboriginal people in NSW to achieve social, economic and cultural independence, is similar to that of NSWALC.

Mr Christian, a proud member of the NSW Aboriginal community, brings a wealth of human services knowledge and experience to the Aboriginal Affairs portfolio.

His community work is well known to members of NSWALC Board.

We look forward to working with him and developing a meaningful and professional relationship with Aboriginal Affairs NSW through his leadership.

Bev Manton