Wallaga Lakes Asbestos Clean Up Program Completed

21 October, 2009


Wallaga Lakes Asbestos Clean Up Program Completed

4 November 2009

The Chairman of the Merriman's Local Aboriginal Land Council, Max Munro today welcomed the news of the completion of the clean up program of identified sites of surface asbestos fibro fragments at Wallaga Lake Koori Village on the NSW South Coast.

The clean up work at the identified sites was carried out over the past month by South Coast contractor, Nature Coast Demolition and Asbestos, in accordance with a detailed site management plan developed by independent experts in the management of asbestos, Parsons Brinkerhoff Pty Ltd.

A final site inspection by Nature Coast Demolition and Asbestos and the independent occupational hygienist was also carried out on 3 November to satisfy all involved that the job had been completed.

Mr Munro said that the clean-up had removed all visible surface fragments of asbestos fibro found within the identified areas.

"The clean-up has focused on regularly used areas in the village such as backyards and along pathways, as well as the old tip site and an area in front of our pre-school.

"This is a great result for the community and we are satisfied the job has been done well," Mr Munro said. "We were pleased that local people were employed as part of the clean-up crew.  They wore special protective clothing at all times".

Mr Munro said the NSW Government and Eurobodalla Shire Council would continue to assist Merriman's LALC in the establishment and implementation of the long term site management plan.

Any further discoveries of asbestos were covered under the existing site management plan.

"It's possible that people will encounter fragments but there is a process for managing this in the site management plan," he said.

"This whole issue is a community issue and Merriman's will work with all relevant groups to keep everyone informed of what is happening".


Further information: Max Munro (02) 4473 7402 or Peter Windsor  0400 554 603