Applications open – 2018 Round of NSWALC Community Fund Grants

29 March, 2018

29 March 2018 

Applications open - 2018 Round of NSWALC Community Fund Grants

The NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) is pleased to announce that applications from eligible LALCs are now being sought for the 2018 round of NSWALC Community Fund Grants.


The NSWALC Community Fund

The NSWALC Community Fund is financed through the Community Development Levy, which was introduced in the 2009 amendment to the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 to redistribute wealth from LALCS with more valuable land holdings to those with less valuable land and development opportunities.

The NSWALC Community Fund Policy outlines what grants from the NSWALC Community Fund can be used for, how LALC eligibility is determined, and on what basis grant applications will be assessed.

Grants of up to $50,000 (excluding GST) are on offer for projects that seek to deliver community development outcomes under the following categories:

  • Land acquisition
  • Land management


2018 Funding Round

The application period for the 2018 round of NSWALC Community Fund Grants will be open from Monday, 2 April 2018 until 5pm on Friday, 25 May 2018.

The total amount available to distribute in the 2018 round is $778,000 (ex GST).


How to apply

The NSWALC Community Fund Policy stipulates that only less advantaged LALCs are eligible for grants, with 'less advantaged' defined as having net land assets (not including jointly managed National Parks or former missions and reserves) worth less than the Local Aboriginal Land Council network average.

NSWALC advised all LALCs of their current eligibility status in February 2018, allowing until the end of March for LALCs to review this status and provide further information to support their claim.

Eligible applicants can access the application form and accompanying Application Guidelines on the NSWALC website:

The Application Guidelines contain important information about how LALCs can complete and submit an application for a NSWALC Community Fund Grant. It is essential that LALCs carefully read this document prior to starting work on their applications.

Completed application forms and supporting documents should be submitted via e-mail to no later than 5pm on Friday, 25 May.


More information

If you have any questions about the application process, please contact the NSWALC Programs Implementation Unit on 02 9689 4444 or email