23 September, 2013
Crown Lands Amendment (Multiple Land Use) Bill 2013Â
September 23, 2013
As the Network was advised in the Network Message dated the 16 September (available here) the Crown Lands Amendment (Multiple Land Use) Bill 2013 (the Bill) was introduced into the NSW Parliament on the 12 September 2013. The Bill is the NSW Government's response to decisions made by the Courts about a land claim appeal known as 'Goomallee'.
This Network Message seeks to inform the Network of the position of the NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) regarding the Bill.
NSWALC has considered the Bill and has adopted the following position:
The Crown Lands Amendment Bill 2013 Fact Sheet provides further detail about the Bill, background to the Goomallee case, and the consequences of the Bill for existing and future Aboriginal land claims.
NSWALC is urgently seeking a meeting with the NSW Premier to discuss the Bill. The Bill is currently due to be debated in the NSW Parliament in mid October 2013.
LALCs are encouraged to contact their Local Member of Parliament if they wish to raise concerns about the Bill.
Please contact the NSWALC Legal Services Unit on 9689 4444 if you would like to discuss the Bill, or issues relating to the Bill, further.