Dealine for Land Dealing Submissions

22 February, 2010

Deadline for lodgment of LALC land dealing applications seeking NSWALC approval prior to the new land dealings amendments coming into effect on 31 March 2010

It has been a busy time for many Local Aboriginal Land Councils ('LALCs') and the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council ('NSWALC') staff with LALCs across the state attending Regional Forums to discuss NSWALC's proposed new land dealings policy in relation to disposals and dealings with LALC land (also known as section 40B and 40D applications under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983).

The Land Dealings Policy Forums conducted by NSWALC across the State to consult with LALCs on the draft land dealings policy have been very well attended and NSWALC appreciates the valuable feedback that has been provided by LALCs to NSWALC regarding a broad range of issues.

During the consultation process, a number of LALCs have indicated that they intend submitting land dealing applications to NSWALC prior to the new land dealing legislation coming into effect on 31 March 2010.

Land dealing applications vary considerably in complexity and scope, and the administrative processes involved in analyzing these applications and preparing recommendations to the NSWALC Council can be time consuming.

Whilst NSWALC will use its best endeavours to deal with all land dealing applications received before the new land dealings provisions come into effect on 31 March 2010, NSWALC anticipates receiving a large volume of applications and concerns are held over NSWALC's capacity to deal with any application(s) that may be received after 5 March 2010.

I would therefore ask that LALCs carefully check any land dealing application that they intend submitting to NSWALC to make sure that the application is complete, and submit those applications to NSWALC by no later than Friday, 5 March 2010.

I also encourage LALCs to submit all complete land dealing applications to the NSWALC Commercial Unit at Parramatta as soon as possible.

If you have any questions about the submission of your Land Dealing Application, please contact Julie Van Agten, Director Commercial Unit on (02) 9689 4414 or via email on

Geoff Scott
Chief Executive Officer