Election of Chairperson and Deputy Chairman of NSWALC.

15 May, 2009

Election of Chairperson and Deputy Chairman of NSWALC.

I wish to advise that Councillor Bev Manton and Councillor Tom Briggs have today been re-elected as Chairperson and Deputy Chairman of the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council.

As you are aware, Section 129 of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983, states that the Councillors of the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council are to elect a Chairperson and a Deputy Chairperson and that they hold office for a term of 2 years.

A secret ballot for these positions was conducted at 10.00am Thursday 14 May 2009.

The ballot resulted in the re-election of Central Coast Region Councillor, Ms. Bev Manton, as Chairperson.

Northern Region Councillor, Mr. Tom Briggs, was elected Deputy Chairperson.

Attached is a press release for your information.

Norman Laing. A/g Chief Executive Officer