Expressions of Interest to be the LALC Representative on NSWALC’s Economic Development Advisory Committee

3 October, 2018

3 October 2018

Expressions of Interest to be the LALC Representative on NSWALC's Economic Development Advisory Committee

The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) has established the Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) under section 118 of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983. The role of EDAC is to provide strategic advice and direction to the Council about how it can identify, develop and support economic development opportunities for the land rights network and NSWALC Enterprises.

Economic Development is a core focus of the NSWALC's Strategic Plan 2018-22. Goal 3 of NSWALC's Strategic Plan aims to build on the gains Aboriginal people have made from the Land Rights movement by creating further opportunities to grow the economic prosperity and independence of Aboriginal people and Local Aboriginal Land Councils (LALCs).

How to become the LALC representative on EDAC

The Council is seeking Expressions of Interest from network members who have:
• Knowledge of the economic circumstances and challenges faced by Aboriginal communities in New South Wales
• Experience in establishing and managing community or business enterprises
• Ability to share that knowledge and experience in a cooperative committee environment

If you are interested in becoming the LALC Representative on EDAC, you can email the NSWALC Strategy and Policy Unit for a copy of the EDAC Charter and more information about the role of EDAC. Contact details are below.

Please provide your CV and a 500-word statement outlining your suitability by Wednesday 17th October 2018.

More information:
The NSWALC Strategy and Policy Unit on (02) 9689 4520 or