10 July, 2018
10 July 2018
March for Aboriginal Land Rights - Beyond Survival
Join the NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) and the Coalition of Aboriginal Peak Organisations (CAPO) in a march for Aboriginal rights.
On the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples, we will be calling on all political parties and the NSW community to come together with Aboriginal people to commit to a new agenda for Aboriginal rights.
Despite the Apology and successive attempts at reform, Government policies to date have not led to fundamental improvements in Aboriginal people's lives.
In NSW, respect for Aboriginal self-determination and Aboriginal community-controlled peak organisations is at its lowest point in many years.
We are seeking a positive agenda for change, based on self-determination and genuine partnership, to achieve a better future for Aboriginal people.
We need your support to send a strong message to Government.
When: 11am, Thursday 9 August 2018
Where: Meet at Hyde Park North, Palm Grove, corner of Elizabeth and Park Streets Sydney
There will be a number of speakers on the day, followed by a north bound procession to NSW Parliament House.
NSWALC urges all members of Local Aboriginal Land Councils, Aboriginal people and anyone who supports Aboriginal Rights to:
Support for travel
NSWALC will be providing some support to LALCs to assist with maximizing the numbers in attendance on the day. Further details on this support will be distributed shortly.
What to bring
More information
Further details about the day will be distributed shortly.
For more information, please contact NSWALC on 9689 4444, policy@alc.org.au or visit our website at: www.alc.org.au.