NSWALC Chair and Deputy Chair re-elected

14 November, 2017

NSWALC Chair and Deputy Chair re-elected

14 November 2017

The Chair and Deputy Chair of the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) have been re-elected at a meeting in Sydney today.

Councillor for Sydney/Newcastle Roy Ah-See will lead the largest member-based Aboriginal organisation in Australia until the 2019 election with Councillor for North West Region Anne Dennis as Deputy.

Cr Ah-See and Cr Dennis were re-elected unopposed following a vote of NSWALC's nine elected councillors. Elections for the positions of Chair and Deputy Chair are contested every two years.

Cr Ah-See said he was proud to lead a united team of Councillors through its four-year term.

"The clear message from today is the NSW Aboriginal Land Council is united and focused on continuing the important work that lies before us.

"Through the collective wisdom of this Council we've achieved a great deal for Aboriginal peoples in New South Wales.

"Over the next two years, the Council will work to deliver the actions of the NSW Aboriginal Land Council's Strategic Plan to guide the Land Rights network for the next five years.

"The draft Strategic Plan will also be focused on acquiring more land and gaining new members who are fully-engaged in the vital work of leveraging land for culture and economic development.

"The Strategic Plan also commits the Council to securing the signing of a Treaty between government and the First Peoples of New South Wales."

Deputy Chair Cr Dennis said she was proud to be part of a leadership team tasked with improving the lives of Aboriginal peoples throughout the State.

"With 120 Local Aboriginal Land Councils and 23,000 members, the Land Rights network is well-positioned to use land as a way to strengthen culture and create jobs, particularly in our regions.

"The NSW Aboriginal Land Council will demonstrate its strong leadership and advocacy in critical areas like culture and heritage."