NSWALC Fact Sheets on Government Assistance Packages during the COVID-19 Pandemic

8 April, 2020

The NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) has released easy to read Fact Sheets to assist Local Aboriginal Land Councils and communities assess Government financial assistance available during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Fact Sheets are available on NSWALC’s Tackling Coronavirus in Aboriginal Communities page.

This follows the JobKeeper legislation introduced in Federal Parliament today, which is a $130 billion dollar stimulus package designed to keep workers in jobs and supported financially.

The $1500 per fortnight payment will be distributed to around six-million workers and is approximately the equivalent of 70 per-cent of the national median wage. 

The JobKeeper package is one of a number of assistance packages available, which also include the Corona Virus Income Supplement, Household Support Payments for individuals, and Early Release of Superannuation.

Businesses and employers may be able to access support including Boosting Cash Flow for Employees, Supporting apprentices and trainees, and Backing Business Investment.

The NSWALC Fact Sheets collate relevant information in one place and provide links to further details of each assistance package. 

This advice is current as of 8 April 2020 and will be updated on the NSWALC website as new information is provided.

You can find the NSWALC Fact Sheets on the NSWALC website here:

  • Information for LALCs – COVID-19 Financial assistance for businesses
  • Information for LALCs – COVID-19 Government financial assistance for individuals