13 July, 2021
13 July 2021
NSWALC 2021/22 FY Grants Round – Now Open!
NSWALC has secured a supply of single use face masks, which will be distributed to assist Aboriginal communities in New South Wales to deal with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
The masks were sourced with the help of the NSW State Government and the Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council.
The supply of masks will start being delivered to Local Aboriginal Land Council (LALC) offices from Monday, 12 July 2021. The purpose of the masks is to assist LALCs and members to maintain COVID safe practices during this difficult time.
Each LALC will receive a minimum supply of five masks per member. Each NSWALC Zone Office will also receive a supply of masks, which will be distributed on a discretionary basis to Aboriginal communities in need.
LALCs are advised that the masks are for single use only, meet with the P2 respirator standard, and are safe for civil use. Masks should be disposed of safely after use.
If you have any questions around the distribution of these masks, please contact Sarah Harvey on 0437 710 899 or at sarah.harvey@alc.org.au.