NSWALC Strategic Plan & Annual Supplement open for consultation

24 May, 2022

24 May 2022

The NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) is inviting comment on our draft Strategic Plan 2022-26 (the Plan) and the Draft Strategic Plan Annual Supplement 2022-2023

How NSWALC’s Strategic Planning works

The Strategic Plan and Annual Strategic Plan Supplement serve as NSWALC’s Community, Land and Business Plan in accordance with section 137A of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 NSW (ALRA).

Each year annual supplements will be prepared to detail the key strategies and targets for the year ahead.

NSWALC Strategic Plan 2022-2026

This overarching Strategic Plan sets out an ambitious agenda to secure a better future for Aboriginal peoples in NSW and to maximise the social, cultural, economic and political potential of our land and people. NSWALC’s goals over the next four years are to:

  1. Secure our land and water rights to Country
  2. Protect and promote our culture and heritage
  3. Pursue economic independence and prosperity for our peoples
  4. Support our people and LALCs
  5. Secure our future

The draft Strategic Plan can be accessed online here.

Draft Strategic Plan Annual Supplement 2022-2023

This will be our first annual strategic plan supplement under NSWALC’s Strategic Plan 2022-2026. The 2022-2023 annual supplement is enclosed within the Plan.

The draft annual supplement includes:

  • Our strategies for the financial year ahead for achieving NSWALC’s long-term objectives and goals set out in our Strategic Plan 2022-2026, including our strategies to develop or acquire necessary human resources and skills to implement our proposals; and
  • Our timeframes to provide clear indicators for measuring success against the overall aims of the relevant goals and specific objectives

How to have your say

Comments are welcome. Comments should be received by Tuesday 14 June 2022, and can be submitted via the following:


Strategy and Policy Unit


PO Box 1125

Parramatta NSW 2124

EMAIL:  policy@alc.org.au

If you wish to discuss the draft Plan, please contact the Strategy and Policy Unit on 02 9689 4444 or email policy@alc.org.au.