NSWALC to Livestream Election Ballot Draw Today

6 November, 2019

6 November 2019

NSWALC to Livestream Election Ballot Draw Today

Candidates for the upcoming New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council election will be revealed today when the ballot draw is conducted.

In a first for a NSWALC election, the ballot draw will be broadcast live on NSWALC's Facebook page to give members unprecedented access as it happens.

The ballot draw will be conducted in Sydney by the New South Wales Electoral Commission at 2pm.

A Councillor will be elected in each of the nine regions across the state when the election is held on 30 November.

"The election is only held every four years and is the starting point for Council activity and decisions, so it is a hugely important occasion for Aboriginal people in New South Wales," NSWALC CEO James Christian said.

"The election is about the candidates and the voting members and the ballot draw is one of the first milestones in the lead up to them heading to the polls."

"By broadcasting the ballot draw to our members and social media followers we are giving voting members the first opportunity to start considering who they would like to have representing their region for the next four years."

"I strongly encourage all of our eligible voting members to exercise your right to vote on 30 November and if you know you can't get to a polling booth on the day, take advantage of the provisions we have made to allow pre-polling and postal voting."

Nominations closed at midday yesterday. It followed a one month window for candidates to submit their nomination to contest the election.

More than 160 polling booths will be set up for the election on 30 November. Details on where to vote, pre-polling and postal voting can be found at the NSWALC website - /about-nswalc/2019-nswalc-election.aspx.