The NSWALC Strategic Plan Supplement 2021-2022

30 June, 2021

1 July 2021

The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) has made available the NSWALC Strategic Plan Supplement 2021-2022.


NSWALC’s Strategic Plan 2018-2022 (available sets out our agenda to secure a better future for Aboriginal peoples in NSW and to maximise the social, cultural, economic, and political potential of our land and people. NSWALC’s goals over the five years 2018-2022 are to:

  1. Secure Our Land and Water Rights
  2. Protect Our Culture and Heritage
  3. Pursue Economic Independence and Prosperity for Our Peoples
  4. Support Our People
  5. Secure Our Future


NSWALC’s Strategic Plan Supplement 2021-22 includes:

  • Our strategies for the financial year ahead for achieving NSWALC’s long-term objectives and goals set out in our Strategic Plan 2018-2022, including our strategies to develop or acquire necessary human resources and skills to implement our proposals; and
  • Our stretch targets to motivate our efforts to higher aspirations and attainments. These targets are set at the outer limits of what could be achievable. Our stretch targets remain deliberately high, as we are determined to see our people and our efforts driven by high expectations.


The Strategic Plan and annual Strategic Plan Supplement serve as NSWALC’s Community, Land and Business Plan in accordance with section 137A of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 NSW (ALRA).

This approach integrates NSWALC’s budget and planning on an annualised basis, and structures reporting to Council and the Network around the Strategic Plan.

This financial year NSWALC will be placing a stronger emphasis on regular reporting to Local Aboriginal Land Councils (LALCs) by committing to quarterly reports in addition to our Annual Report.

Each year annual supplements will be prepared to detail the key strategies and targets for the year ahead. NSWALC will consult with LALCs, members and Aboriginal Owners in the development of the annual supplements.


Please follow the links below for the NSWALC Strategic Plan Supplement 2021-2022 and NSWALC Strategic Plan 2018-2022.

If you wish to discuss the NSWALC Strategic Plan Supplement 2021-2022, please contact the Governance Unit on 02 9689 4444.