16 August, 2019
14 August 2019
Trelawney Station Divestment
NSWALC has welcomed the divestment of Trelawney Station to the Tamworth Local Aboriginal Land Council (LALC) following five years of discussions and planning with the Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation (ILSC).
The transfer from the ILSC was made official at a ceremony held at Trelawney and attended by representatives from NSWALC and the land rights network.
Trelawney is located near the village of Somerton east of Tamworth and is a 751ha property on prime wheat, cattle and sheep country fronting the Peel River.
Deputy NSWALC Chair and Councillor for Northern Zone Charles Lynch welcomed the significant addition to the property portfolio of Tamworth LALC.
"Tamworth LALC CEO Fiona Snape and Chair Harry Cutmore have worked tirelessly for the handover of Trelawney," Cr. Lynch said.
"The divestment will allow them to build upon an already successful farming venture and to strengthen their youth programs which incorporate vocational training and cultural activities."
"Trelawney is a great asset, not only for the LALC, but for the entire Tamworth Aboriginal community."
NSWALC has worked closely with Tamworth LALC over the past couple of years to develop strategies to ensure Trelawney's financial future.
The LALC successfully applied for Business Development Funding under NSWALC'S LALC Business Enterprise Program.
The funding helped Tamworth LALC develop a farm management plan that convinced the ILSC to divest the property.